Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Allelix - Paternity Linkage Analysis Online
December 2001
One can enter the alleles of commonly used STR by clicking the mouse. The algorithm calculates the paternity index and the Essen-Moeller probability of kinship for the deficiency- and the trio case. Everybody can use the network-software online after registering. The usage on the internet is free. Academic users can ask me to unlock an option to display the details (formulas/frequencies etc.) and to have an export-funktion to MS Word. The program is in German and (non-professional) English. An expansion to other languages is easy, if somebody helps us with the translation. For those who are interested to have the software running on their own intranet (for database security reasons) an individual agreement can be found.
- Thomas Krahn (biotix) (email:
- Stefan Zinke (Software Erstellung- und Beratung, Germany)
- Dr. Michael Kraft (biotix) (German version is:
C++, Java Script
MS-Windows (2000 &IIS/ME & Personal Webserver)