Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Contribution, Inbreeding (F) and Coancestry
1.0 (April 2006)
This is a general-purpose program for monitoring genetic diversity. CFC allows for several pedigree analyses such as: (1) computing inbreeding coefficients and relationships; (2) computing average relationships very quickly within and between specified groups of individuals; (3) computing average relatedness; (4) ancestral decomposition of the average or the individual inbreeding coefficient; (5) ancestral decomposition of the average coancestry; (6) optimizing matings to minimize the average inbreeding coefficients in the next generation; (7) computing founder equivalent, founder genome equivalent and effective number of non-founders; (8) computing numerator relationship matrix, its Cholesky decomposition and its inverse; (9) providing useful information on the structure of pedigrees
- Mehdi Sargolzaei (University of Guelph)
- Hiroaki Iwaisaki
- Jean-Jacques Colleau
Visual C++
M Sargolzaei, H Iwaisaki, JJ Colleau (2006), “CFC: a tool for monitoring genetic diversity”, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, CD-Rom comm. N 27-28.