Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
GenePool is a software package that provides analysis tools for the detection of shifts in relative allele frequency between pooled genomic DNA from cases and controls using SNP-based genotyping microarrays. GenePool supports genotyping platforms from Affymetrix and Illumina.
- John Pearson (Translational Genomics Research Institute) (email: David Craig (email: Matt Huentelman (email: Waibhav Tembe
- Sotiris Mitranopolous
- Nils Homer
Linux, MacOS (should compile on most UNIX systems with gcc)
gpcommand, gpextract, gpanalyze
Pearson, Huentelman, Halperin, Tembe, Melquist, Homer, Brun, Szelinger, Coon, Zismann, Webster, Beach, Sando, Aasly, Heun, Jessen, Kolsch, Tsolaki, Daniilidou, Reiman, Papassotiropoulos, Hutton, Stephan, Craig (2007), “Identification of the genetic basis for complex disorders by use of pooling-based genomewide single-nucleotide-polymorphism association studies”, American Journal of Human Genetics, 80:126-139