R& Onemap
Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
1.0-1 (April 2009)
ONEMAP is an environment for constructing linkage maps in outcrossing plant species, using full-sib families derived from two outbreed (non-inbreeding) parent plants.
- Gabriel Rodrigues Alves Margarido
- Anete Pereira de Souza
- Antonio Augusto Franco Garcia (email: aafgarci@esalq.usp.br)
load.onemap, read.outcross, extract.group, remove.marker, arbitr.rf.2pts, est.rf.2pts, modigy.rf.2pts, group, map, make.map, est.rf.3pts
Garcia, Kido, Meza, Souza, Pinto, Pastina, Leite, Silva, Ulian, Figueira, Souza (2006), “Development of an integrated genetic map of a sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) commercial cross, based on a maximum-likelihood approach for estimation of linkage and linkage phases”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 112:298-314.