Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
3.0.13 (May 2008)
UNPHASED is a suite of programs for association analysis of multilocus haplotypes from unphased genotype data. These include TDTPHASE for case-parent trios, COCAPHASE for case/control data, QTPHASE for quantitative traits in unrelateds, PDTPHASE for general pedigrees, and QPDTPHASE for quantitative traits in general pedigrees. Features include global and individual haplotype tests, main effects and conditional tests, grouping of rare haplotypes, pairwise comparisons of haplotype risk, flexible permutation procedures and calculation of LD measures.
- Frank Dudbridge (MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre)
- email: frank.dudbridge@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk
C++, Java
UNIX(SOlaris), Linux, MS-Windows
unphased, tdtphase, cocaphase, pdtphase, qpdtphase
- F Dudbridge (2003), “Pedigree disequilibrium tests for multilocus haplotypes”, Genetic Epidemiology, 25:115-121.
- Dudbridge (2008), “Likelihood-based association analysis for nuclear families and unrelated subjects with missing genotype data”, Human Heredity, 66:87-98.