Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Visual Genotype
The program presents complete raw datasets of individuals’ genotype data using a display format with samples as rows and polymorphisms as columns. The color code is: (1) blue: homozygous genotype for the common allele; (2) red: heterozygous genotype; (3) yellow: homozygous genotype for the rare allele; and (4) grey: missing data
- Nickerson, Taylor, Weiss, Clark, Hutchinson, Stengard, Salomaa, Vartiainen, Boerwinkle, Sing (1998), “DNA sequence diversity in a 9.7-kb region of the human lipoprotein lipase gene”, Nature Genetics, 19:233-240.
- Rieder, Taylor, Clark, Nickerson (1999), “Sequence variation in the human angiotensin converting enzyme”, Nature Genetics, 22:59-60.